August 23, 2009 smccormick

Left the hotel this morning with a full stomach and a good laugh after seeing the look on a little girls’ face when I told her why my bike was covered with bags and where I had come from.  Priceless. Medina was a very busy little area with a major interstate intersecting my route, but…

August 22, 2009 smccormick

Great ride today.  Continued on the nice roads with low traffic for the most part.  Got out about 17 miles to Fredericktown and found a place to have breakfast.  Came through the door to the clang of bells hung on it.  Got the “ya ain’t from round here” look from everyone.  Never to let that…

August 22, 2009 smccormick

Great day to be out biking.  I woke this morning feeling refreshed and rested after taking the afternoon off yesterday and getting to bed much earlier than I have been.  My eyes actually opened on their own rather than having to get out the pry bar. I was excited to get on the bike, I…

August 20, 2009 smccormick

Decided last night that a new rear tire is mandatory so I waited until 10 am for the nearby shop to open.  They had a very limited supply but one that would work, so I was in business without going off route.  You know I like that. They delay also allowed me to watch a…

August 19, 2009 smccormick

Stepped out this morning to get breakfast to find the ground wet and the sky partly cloudy.  The forecast again being for scattered thunderstorms, I wondered just what was going on to the west.  The front that has been on my tail for a week continues the threaten to pass but somehow I’m keeping pace…

August 18, 2009 smccormick

Late start today, spent the morning chatting with some folks while I stuffed down the wonderful continental breakfast at the Econolodge.  Asked Alice about an easy way back to 50 and ended up exiting town on a great back road that lead to 50 east of town. 50 was a fantastic concrete surface with a…

August 17, 2009 smccormick

I had no idea what the weather was gong to be this morning.  According to the weather forecasters last night, I thought the morning would probably be a washout with a late morning departure.  The light coming through the edges of the shades confirmed a cloudy start so I didn’t really get motivated right away…

August 16, 2009 smccormick

My motel didn’t have a breakfast this morning so I had to do some hunting and gathering .  Didn’t end up with a breakfast that you would call “an athletes breakfast”, but then you may not call me an athlete anyway.  After all I’m just out for a morning ride. I took everyone’s advice and…

August 15, 2009 smccormick

Yesterday marked the first time the humidity had noticeably dropped since we encountered it in Bazine, KS.  At the end of the day it was 84 and comfortable.  I got to the campground, set up camp, took a shower and was able to fiddle around the camp before bed without working up a sweat and…

August 14, 2009 smccormick

I woke up right as the eastern sky was brightening and sat up a moment and briefly considered getting going before sanity retook the situation and I went back to sleep.  The alarm went off at it’s usual 7am but today I was already awake.  Took a minute to gather my thoughts then went about…