Tag: erie canal

September 15, 2009 smccormick

Woke up this morning to the sound of some anglers just before the alarm went off.  We had left the tent fly only partially on to help with ventilation and during the night it had blown off so we had a nice view of our lock and the surrounding forest.  While we were admiring the…

September 15, 2009 smccormick

Somehow we managed to get up and out this morning before lunch.  In fact we were at a breakfast place before 8:30… Let’s get an amen!!  While we were at the restaurant we inquired into the reason for the boxing centric community.  The waitress told us that there were a high number of local guys…

September 13, 2009 smccormick

Out of bed at the ungodly hour of, ohhhhh… 8:15 this morning, then headed over to the continental breakfast.  Rushed through that in about an hour.  Hmmmm, what were we supposed to do today??  Oh that’s right that pesky bike thingy again.  The bikes are absolutely filthy and have turned quite gray after all the…

September 12, 2009 smccormick

The day dawned, cool & misty but we were nice and dry inside the covered picnic area.   It was our fifteen minutes of fame, we slept on the stage in Macedon!  The morning excitement included watching the same Carver boat go through the lock that we followed yesterday . Another beautiful trail ride through the…

September 11, 2009 smccormick

Whoa!! Forty one miles!  We’re getting a little crazy here.  We did get a late start after handling the logistics of going to the bike shop where Cyndy’s bike was reassembled.  Then unloading the rental car across the street on the bike path. Then dropping off the rental car and riding the twelve miles back…